Our great friends at Boar Network have created some powerful tools for Active Stakers.

16 Jun 2021, 20:14
Our great friends at Boar Network have created some powerful tools for Active Stakers. 🥩 The new tools help monitor connected peers as well as the ETH an operator has available to handle transaction fees. As many of you know, both are key factors in reducing faults and slashing. ⚔️ The monitoring tools feature client and system level alerts pushed to Ops Genie, and the ability to set up logzio aggregator. Check out the full list of features and consider adding to your staking setup today! That’s not all! The documentation for both the Keep ECDSA and Random Beacon have also been updated - if you had issues following the documentation all the way through in the past, check back and see the new and improved docs! 📜 If you are working on setting up an ECDSA node and have issues, make sure to check in with our community on Discord at chat.keep.network