We're sponsoring several privacy-focused bounties through Gitcoin's Protecting Privacy virtual hackathon, and giving you another

17 Jun 2020, 20:51
👉 We’re sponsoring several privacy-focused bounties through Gitcoin’s Protecting Privacy virtual hackathon, and giving you another way to earn KEEP! 💪 We’ve created a couple project ideas as starting points for bounties, but we encourage you to be creative here! The bounty titles are: - Randomness for privacy 🔢 - tBTC privacy hacks 🔐 - Hack a Zcash relay for tZEC 💻 - Signature test vector library 👀 We’ve always been focused on privacy🔒 and ⛓open-source development, and this hackathon is one way we hope to support our communities. Find out more details about the specific bounties in our blog post and then sign up 📝 to hack with us on Gitcoin!